Jobs in Sport

here are literally thousands of fantastic jobs in sport worldwide, and if you have the right training and the right mindset, a dazzling career could be waiting just around the corner. However, looking for jobs in sport can be time-consuming and stressful. Particularly, that is, if the jobs in sport you are looking for are ones which are unfamiliar to you, abroad or within a company or organisation for which you have high levels of respect.

My first piece of advice is: relax. You have chosen a career of jobs in sport because, presumably, you love sport, and you love working in sport. So, regardless of how different the jobs in sport you are looking for are from the one you have now, it can only be a step in the right direction. If your search for jobs in sport is stressing you out, go for a jog, hit the gym or meet some friends. Searching for perfect jobs in sport needn’t be all-consuming – remember to take time to be a human, as well!

Secondly, whilst looking for jobs in sport, be careful to only apply for jobs in sport that you really want. It seems obvious, but once you start looking for jobs in sport, you could be trawling through jobs in sport websites every day. The tendency is to hit ‘apply’ for every job you think you could stand a chance at getting. The upshot of this could be that you end up wasting time on jobs in sport that you don’t really want to do. Even if you don’t let yourself get as far as going to an interview for jobs in sport that don’t really tickle your fancy, you may end up spending time on the phone to recruiters or employers that you have no interest in. This not only wastes your precious job searching time, it also wastes that of recruiters and employers. Especially in the case of recruitment agencies, imagine you have applied for two jobs with a certain recruiter: one is your dream job, and the other is just another one of those bog standard jobs in sport. You might not necessarily be aware that both jobs are represented by the same recruiter, and the recruiter, seeing that you have applied for both, draws the conclusion that you are worth less than you really are. See how applying for jobs in sport you don’t want can jeapordise your chances of getting one you really do want?

Finally, you must get yourself prepared for the recruitment process. Along with the general must-dos associated with interviewing for jobs in sport, for example, knowing the company you’re applying to, what the job will entail and so forth, you must also be sure that you are mentally and physically the best candidate for the role. This is where taking time to exercise whilst looking for jobs in sport becomes most vital. If you go to an interview looking a bit out of shape, there is every chance that the potential employer will think you don’t take jobs in sport seriously enough. I’m not saying you should go and beef up until you’re all rippling muscles and sunbed tan. In fact, there is something to be said for reaching a sensible compromise with your appearance. Be healthy, be well rested, and be physically in shape for your interviews. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, and if that means showing that you take jobs in sport seriously even through your physical appearance, then… just do it!

Hopefully, these time-tested words of advice will help you in your quest to find the perfect jobs in sport for you. Never sell yourself short: each of us is worth far more than we give ourselves credit for. Look after yourself, love yourself and by and by, you will find that you love the work you do as well.


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